Ok, so I know I just posted about the Weinsteins and their pandering to the Christian coin, but it...
Category - Popalicious
Music, Entertainment, Pop culture
Reintroducing: Jewlicious T-shirts!
Just in time for Hannukah! Our original Tshirt designs are available once again, with the new...
The Dark Side of Chanukah
Jewish author Nelso Algren brought to life the seedy underbelly of Chicago’s demimonde in his...
Sexbombs: I Hate Israelity.com
In a recent post, Allison over at Israelity.com wrote about a video karaoke booth set up by Israeli...
Jesus Saves, Weinsteins Capitalize.
The brothers Weinstein, formerly of Miramax Entertainment, are soon opening up a “Faith...
Iranian Holocaust Conference is a Go!
As John noted on his new blog nunbet.net, Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has clearly seen...