So in 1999, Weird Al Yankovic covered the Offspring’s 1998 hit, Pretty Fly (For a White Guy)...
Category - Popalicious
Music, Entertainment, Pop culture
Looking for Some New Furniture?
“Hey honey, you know what would look so perfect in the den next to the flat-screen TV...
Shawn Green Chooses Diamond District Over Diamondbacks
Arizona Diamondbacks outfielder Shawn Green, or as he’s known to his fellow members of the...
I’m coming up so you’d better get the latkes started
Endless articles have been written about how Mel Gibson’s a tool. Which is fair, but I think...
I’m too sexy for this war
In the tradition of USO girls, gay entertainment star, and member of the tribe, Michael Lucas will...
Shavuah Tov!
I hope you all had a peaceful and restful Shabbat. I know I tried and it was mostly peaceful…...