Marmite is a brown, sticky, food spread, made from yeast extract and beloved by many in the anglo...
Category - Popalicious
Music, Entertainment, Pop culture
K-Pop Playbook: How the #JewishPrivilege Twitter Trend Got...
A few days ago, the hashtags of #JewishPrivilege, #Jewish Privelege (sic.), and #JewishPriveledge...
Silly boycotts: Si es un boicot, tiene que ser tonta
In the United States, in the past week, there was a call to BOYCOTT GOYA after the head of the...
JewliciousReads: In The Shul Where It Happened and Other June...
A selection of Summer reads for the Northern Hemisphere (and Winter Reads for the Southern) BIG...
Aunt Jemima, Uncle Ben, Mrs. Butterworth… Should Mrs. Adler Be...
It only took over a century, but PepsiCo/Quaker, the Aunt Jemima brand’s current owner, has...
TJS S3 Interlude – George Floyd and the burden of history
I can’t watch what is happening in silence, but nor am I willing to simply be a cheerleader...