is reporting that actress Brittany Murphy died this morning after having been rushed to...
Category - Popalicious
Music, Entertainment, Pop culture
From Date To Mate: WTF?
No seriously. WTF?? From Date to Mate is a faux reality show, sort of like The Office, except here...
Jews Sing Mormon Christmas Song in Honor of Sen. Hatch’s...
Details at 11 When Senator Orin Hatch, a Mormon, put together a nice little Hanukah ditty, some...
My Menorah – The uhm, hottest Hanukah video. Ever.
In the annals of contemporary Chanukah music, we’ve had choir backed singalongs, rap songs...
If it has Muffti and wimmins in it, it must be good.
CK and I were chatting yesterday. While this alone might be of little interest as the chat this...
The Carsitters Invade Europe
Aw yeah. I hope you enjoy this ballad by the Carsitters called I Don’t Mind from their newest...