This is my last in a series of posts on the GA. This and others have focused on the people who came...
Rutgers Univ Jewish Studies: Springsteen Is A God
At Rutgers University in New Brunswick, New Jersey, home-state of singer-songwriter Bruce...
More from the JFNA GA: Bet Elazraki and Hiddush
This is my third in a series of posts on the GA. You can see my previous post about the GA itself...
World Amazed That A Rabbi Is Honest?
What gives? Every media outlet is just dumbfounded and amazed that a rabbi in Connecticut who...
From The JFNAGA 2013: 2 Important Non Profts
This is my second in a series of posts on the GA. This and others will focus on the people who came...
Dr. Ruth Answers The Jewish Channel Viewers on Sex
The U.S. agenda for Israeli-Palestinian peace; Comic artist Art Spiegelman (Maus) gets a...
The Jewish Federation of North America General Assembly 2013
The Jewish Federations of North America (JFNA) hold an annual convention so that its members and...
How Does the NY Times Keep Getting it Wrong?
I cancelled my subscription to the NY Times a couple of years ago after many years of being a loyal...
Two Haredi “Rising Stars”
Rising Star, the licensed “Idol” TV singing contest on Israel Channel 2, has made stars...
Turning Rambam & Solomon Schechter Into Fictional Characters
Obama’s latest directive on Iran; Paula Abdul’s bat mitzvah in Israel; a new film in...