Heeb is already post-Thanksgivukah and senses it is overplayed. Other media are using the...
Chaya Lester, Babel’s Daughter and the Shalev Center
This is another in a series that I am writing about Nachlaot. Chaya Lester runs the Shalev Center...
Pitying the Picture Editor
Pretend you are the picture editor. Which pic of U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and...
Huge Trove of Nazi Looted Art Revealed
Nearly two years ago, German Customs officers raided the Munich, Schwabing district apartment of 79...
My Kosher Chicken is Cleaner, Right?
Many American thirteen year old Jewish boys and girls visit Israel with their families and return...
Where do we go from here?
Do what makes you happy, they say. But what if you don’t know how to turn that into a career...
In Pursuit of Light, Liberty & Latkes
You’ve heard of the 10 Days of Xmas? How about the 21 Days of Thanksgivukkah? In honor of the...
Achdut Yisrael Synagogue Nachlaot
This is another in a series that I am writing about Nachlaot. Achdut Yisarel synagogue is located...
Bethlehem: A Movie Review
Bethlehem: 2013, 99 minutes long, in Hebrew and Arabic. I resisted seeing this movie at first. I...
Le Mood Montréal 2013: Plus ça change…
Jewlicious began just under 10 years ago in a digital media office in Montreal. At the time...