Seltzer: Addicted. Since childhood. And I’ve been halishing over a SodaStream since I first...
Why do Jews Dip Apples in Honey on Jewish New Years?
The tradition of dipping apples into honey is explored by funny man Benji Lovitt. Most importantly...
Shalom HoneyCake: The Annual Recipe Roundup
I am fresh from my holiday challah baking class at Breads bakery with Chef uri Scheft and reading...
Shalom, Asher!
If you haven’t yet seen the fabulousness that is the play, “My Name is Asher...
To Reform and Conservative Leaders: Please Stop Bashing the...
I do not like using a blog as a platform or a soap box for posting self serving opinion pieces...
Mercedes Benz Travels Back in Time and Kills Little Hitler
Tobias Haase, Jan Mettler and Lydia Lohse, film students at the Film Academy in Ludwigsburg...
Québec is Ridiculous. Again.
Québec at its best is an open minded, tolerant and vivacious society, one that embraces and...
The Fight for the Life of Young Idan Zablocki; Interview With...
A young couple, Amanda and Akiva Zablocki, fight for the life of their child, Idan, and you can...
Macklemore Summons the Jews to the VMA with a Shofar?
The video above, a promo for MTV’s Video Music Awards, clearly shows Macklemore using a...
Picturing Rabbis: Rabbis on Instagram
Having written about my using of Instagram, I wanted to see how many rabbis are using Instagram...