How do you channel divine experience and Jewish mysticism to others, especially in a time of...
Edinburgh Fringe Cancels Israeli Show
Yes, one of the venues at Edinburgh Fringe has cancelled future performances of an Israeli...
Madonna Calls for Peace And All I Got Was a Painted Torso
On Instagram, Madonna has posted some semi nude pics to help heal the Middle East and the world and...
Shiva Watch – July 2014
In addition to the lives lost in the Middle East over the past several weeks, we lost several...
Fundraising In A Time of War
I got to thinking about Israel and Jewish fundraising in June, when three children were kidnapped...
Spanish Artists Accuse Israel of Genocide
Well, everyone is entitled to their opinion, regardless of how one-sided and, well, flat out wrong...
Youth Don’t Buy Joan River’s Line: Young Americans...
Many readers of Jewlicious truly kvelled when posted a video of Joan Rivers supporting...
Diwon aka Erez Safar was recently sent a video of IDF soldier Dror Gomel banging on his tank saying...
Blinded By The Light Casualty Rate In Israel
I spoke to my son Eli at the Gaza border earlier today. He told me that a number of the Israeli...
All I Learned About Peace Deals I Learned at Jewish Summer Camp
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry has proposed a way to halt the fighting and killing in Israel...