When learning the basics of Judaism, one ought to, ideally, get one’s information from a...
Too Few Evil Jews in Ramadan TV Shows?
It’s Ramadan. It is a time of reflection, daytime fasting, prayers, and some of the best...
Rabbinical Council of California Stupidly Rescinds Kosher...
Why did the Rabbinical Council of California Suddenly rescind its kosher certification for Trigg...
Kosher Sex Now More Slippery!
According to Indiana University’s Center for Sexual Health Promotion, about 1/3 of women...
The Protest Against Brooklyn DA’s Office for Sam Kellner
Protest supporting Sam Kellner, anti-sex abuse advocate in the ultra-Orthodox community; Israel...
Get Your LoveFest on, Tu B’Av Party in LA, July 20
Jewlicious, East Side Jews + Wilshire Boulevard Temple team up to steam up the summer by hosting...
Haredi Mob Attacks Orthodox IDF Soldier
The Times of Israel reports: An ultra-Orthodox IDF soldier was attacked by dozens of ultra-Orthodox...
Yay! No More Hitler Fried Chicken in Thailand!
The internets were verily abuzz with news that some enterprising Thai in the city of Ubon...
There is a story that defines happiness: Two women in an old age home share stories about their...
“My First Kafka” by Matthue Roth
Kids love scary stories. Scary and gory – the original Little Red Riding Hood was indeed...