Ronen Bergman, a senior political and military analyst for Yediot Aharonot, recently penned an op...
Amal and the Night Inquisitors
Apologies to Gian Carlo Menotti’s opera title. Gabon ambassador Baudelaire Ndong Ella, the...
David’s Will Sit Shiva as Blank’s Shoot Pollard
The New York Times (and Roger Friedman’s Showbiz 411) report(s) that Seinfeld co-creator...
Love and Semen In A Time of War
NEWS FROM OPERATION PROTECTIVE EDGE Earlier this year, it was reported that Haifa’s Rambam...
Open Letter to Naomi Wolf
[Guest Post from Zaq Harrison] I clearly have a different world view than you do, but that is okay...
Jewish Gaza Protest Gets Pop Up Treatment
On Friday August 1st, a Jewish group called If Not Now organized a Kabbalat Shabbat/Mourner’s...
UK Tricycle Theatre Ditches UK Jewish Film Fest
In my opinion, London’s Tricycle Theatre appears to be one wheel short of stable thinking...
Please Don’t Watch The Honourable Woman
– Please do not let yourself be fooled into wasting any of the precious few minutes of life...
Mountain High Shabbat Spiritual Adventure
Shabbat Tent and Pico Shul are organizing the second annual Mountain High Shabbat Spiritual...
And the tree was happy! A Biopic is in the Works About The Life...
Shel Silverstein may have passed away fifteen years ago, but his memory lives on through his works...