It’s always interesting to take stock and look back at what stories resonated most with readers of Jewlicious. This year’s crop is a mixed bag of pop culture, Jewish community politics, the Middle East and, well, more pop culture. These stories are reflective of a number of things – pop culture pieces are relatively easy to write and generate lots of traffic, Mid East political analysis is difficult to write, and you people are obsessed with sex! This has indeed been a momentous year. 2011 was the year of the Arab Spring, which was preceded by Israel’s J14 protests. Occupy Wall Street spread like wildfire across the US, Iran came closer to getting the bomb, democracy came under serious threat in Israel thanks to a slew of idiotic laws passed and proposed by the Knesset, depictions of women and actual women (and girls) came under attack in Israel and I am getting emails asking me why I didn’t cover the fact that Brittany Spears got engaged to a Jew. Whats the matter with you people???

What can I say. We do what we can with the close to zero resources that we have. And still, you all keep coming back. Our writers keep cranking out the content, and I tip my hat to all of our contributors who have contributed some awesome content this year. You are the reason that Jewlicious can do what it does: Over 2 million unique visitors served, millions of pages, just this year alone, the Jewlicious Festival, Camp Jewlicious,, and more coming soon!! So stay tuned, and by all means let us know what you liked, what you want to see more of, less of etc. And now without further ado… the list:

11. Debbie Friedman Passed Away z”l: Sad.
10. Sisters! Enough already with this curl-hating crap!: Yeah seriously, enough!
9. Are Jewish Mothers Losing to The Chinese*?: Look out it’s Tiger Mom!
8. Justin Bieber Always Says Always: The Shema: Justin Bieber and Theodore Herzl…
7. I Am in a Broken Place but There is Holy Work to Do: The story of a brave Rabbi and his amazing family. Refuah Shlema Rabbi Cahana.
6. The 100 Sexiest Jews on Twitter: Thanks #JTA100: Jews on twitter. Yawn.
5. Frum Frillies: The State of Haredi Sex: Hassids discover lingerie. Oy.
4. Matisyahu Brings Message Of “One Day” To Auschwitz: Matisyahu performs at Auschwitz (with Rottfront!).
3. Jewish Girls Gone Wild: Amy Winehouse, Scarlett Johansson and uh… Katherine Goldberg rock out!
2. Libyan Dictator Muammar Gaddafi is Dead: The Arab Spring exacts its justice on a dictator.
1. The Unofficial Guide to Sex on Birthright Israel: Shared on Facebook 1025 times, what really happens on those wild trips! Prepare to be underwhelmed.

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About the author


Founder and Publisher of Jewlicious, David Abitbol lives in Jerusalem with his wife, newborn daughter and toddler son. Blogging as "ck" he's been blocked on twitter by the right and the left, so he's doing something right.