I’m going to talk about my ex all night: I’m broke and live with my parents: I’m...
Beit Avichai’s Jerusalem and the Jewish People
Jerusalem Day, or Yom Yerushalayim (×™×•× ×™×¨×•×©×œ×™×), commemorates Jerusalem’s...
George Soros Continues to Confuse
How so you my ask? Well, as you may recall, Soros is a financier worth about $20 billion...
Bar Yochai MP3s (From a Cave to Hollywood)
Count It (Sefira) by Y-Love & Yuri Lane Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai was one of the deepest...
Will Your College Rep Take The Anti-Israel Pledge?
It happened this month at UCLA. Which campus will be next? In a strategically brilliant – but...
Eurovision: Israel Does Not Reach Finals
Although Israel’s Mei Finegold made it to the semi-finalists in the 2014 Eurovision song...
All Your Perfect Imperfections
You know that thing where you complain about #FirstWorldProblems? Yeah, don’t do that. I get...
How to BBQ Like an Israeli
On the fire – BBQ Israeli style, with a Mangal It’s Israel’s favorite pastime for...
Earth’s Oldest Living Man: 111 Year Old Jewish Guy on the...
Sadly, Arturo Licata – just days from his 112th birthday – passed away in Italy two...
Walk of Shame (Semitic Chant)
Go watch “Walk of Shame” with Elizabeth Banks and check out a track Diwon recorded for...