So I’m listening to this guy chant the names of pagan deities like Krishna and Vishnu during...
A Tale of Two Jew Pictorials
This week, the Jewish world was regaled with two Jew-themed pictorials. The first, which received a...
Opening Yom Kippur: The Jewish Hunger Games: Kvetching Fire!
It’s just like Hunger Games. But in this Jewish sequel, no one dies, there’s no game...
NO! I Don’t Forgive You!!
First of all, what the heck am I forgiving you for? Something you may have done inadvertently...
Get Off Your Butt! It’s Birthright Registration Time...
I was totally caught off guard by the fact that it’s Birthright Israel registration season. I...
Happy Yom Kipur!!!
A lot of people are probably wondering if I am kidding when I say Happy Yom Kipur. I am definitely...
In the Land of Show Biz
If you’ve always wanted to pitch your own reality show, or learn about the documentary film...
New Found Respect for Anthony Weiner after Smackdown
Yes Anthony Weiner’s New York City Mayoral campaign is pretty much dead, what with his 7%...
Shana Tova with The Good Life & Kosher Dinner Club!
To celebrate the Nu Ju year/5774, Shemspeed wants to give you The Good Life and a Free sign up to...
A Rabbi’s Plea: Wave Money not Chickens
Sadly, today’s travesty of kapores transgresses major torah prohibitions and needs to be...