Just some newsbits that I wanted to share: At Wharton, decades ago, I once ate a chicken salad...
3 Million March in Unprecedented Paris Rally
The string of deadly terror attacks began on Wednesday when brothers Said Kouachi and Cherif...
Will Attack in Paris Increase French Jewish Fears
This morning, Americans awoke to the news of a brutal, murderous terror attack in Paris against the...
JewliciousReels: Herr Doktor Schwarz, I Presume?
FAREWELL HERR SCHWARZ, a Israel-Germany co-produced documentary by Yael Reuveny, will open in New...
ShivaWatch: Two Rabbis and A Beauty Queen
We lost several icons and leaders over the past few weeks, many of whom we can learn from. Among...
A Book Review — Theodor Herzl: A New reading, by Georges...
– – Theodor Herzl: A New reading, by Georges Yitshak Weisz. Translated from Hebrew by...
Help Nehara Dance Group to continue making waves in the Israeli...
Tel Aviv is possessed of a world class dance scene. Standing out from all the exciting and creative...
LA Hanukkah Special
Check out this Hanukkah Special with Nina Safar of Kosher in the Kitch featuring some of LA’s...
Diwon’s Chanukah EP
As we gear up for the last night, we wanted to give you the right music for the party. It took 3...
Moshav’s “Chicki Boom” Music Video
Just in time for Hanukkah and following over a million views on Moshav’s last music video, “World...